Minimum S1 in Computer Science / Information Technology or other relevant field
Have been involved at least 3-4 years working on a web- based or service-based project
Middle-Expert level working on backend technologies such as Phyton, Django, Java, PHP, Kotlin, JS (Electron), Swift and Objective C
Experience using JavaScript, Ember JS, Vue JS
Familiar with various framework (Yii2 / Code Igniter / Laravel /Lumen)
Proficient in Web Service Interaction (create & consume RESTful API), JSon and SQL Query, Java, NodeJS, ReactJS, ReactNative
Experience building apps and integrate database with SQL and NoSQL (MongoDB/Elastic Search/Redis)
Familiar with RDBMS (MySQL/ Postgre)
Experience using Message Broker (RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka)
Experience developing with micro-services based architecture is a plus
Proficient in troubleshoot, problem solving and has mediation skill
Excellent teamwork skills, capable of collaborating with team members, and able to learn fastExcellent interpersonal, communication, strong logic, good coding practise, self-managed skills whilst working with a range of people in a strong “ team based” environtment
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible to all aspects of software development lifecycle including analyzing, designing, developing and supporting system development
Assist in the architecture, engineering and implementation of communications and API’s between multiple mobile and web-based software systems
Consolidate and cooperate with the project team in system development process, documentation and maintain system in the best quality and performance
Perform regular support for operation and maintenance of system
Develop user friendly and fully functional applications according to user requirement with clean and easiness code to read / compile within reasonable time to deliver
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Lowongan Ini Ditutup
Semua LAMARAN akan diperlakukan secara rahasia & hanya kandidat terpilih akan dihubungi dan diproses
Mohon diperhatikan bahwa Jobindo tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun kepada pencari kerja sebagai persyaratan untuk dapat diterima bekerja. Apabila terjadi perusahaan meminta anda untuk mengirimkan sejumlah uang untuk berbagai alasan. Mohon untuk dapat melakukan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu ke pihak Jobindo. Dan apabila terjadi pengiriman uang kepada pihak perusahaan dari pihak pencari kerja, maka dengan ini pihak Jobindo menyatakan bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal tersebut. Panduan dan Tips Mencari Kerja Online Secara Aman