Lowongan Kerja di PT. NRI Global Mandiri (Nature Republic)

PT. NRI Global Mandiri (Nature Republic)

Lowongan Kerja PT. NRI Global Mandiri (Nature Republic)
Alamat: Jl.KH.Hasyim Ashari No.46 E
Situs: www.naturerepublic.id
Tipe Perusahaan: Direct employer
Sektor Industri: Ritel
Ukuran Perusahaan: Besar (250+ Pegawai)

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
Inspired by the richness of nature

PT. NRI Global Mandiri commits to share the enjoyment and benefits of natural beauty product to all customers.

At PT.NRI Global Mandiri we celebrate the dreamers who always strives for more, for a good reason. Our culture breeds success, and rewards it in many different ways.

We are calling all beauty enthusiasts to start a thrilling career journey with us !

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