Lowongan Kerja di PT IMECON TEKNINDO


Alamat: Head Office Jakarta Gandaria 8 Office Tower 2nd Floor. Jl Sultan Iskandar Muda- Kebayoran Lama Jakarta 12240
Situs: https://imeconteknindo.com/
Tipe Perusahaan: Outsourcing

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
PT IMECON TEKNINDO is an Indonesian company which is engaged in Human Resources services.
Established since 1999, was founded by practitioners and professionals in their fields, has
services such as recruitment services, contract labor management services (outsourcing),
psychological tests and Assessment and wage tax calculation & Contract services.
Experience for more than 2 decades in more high competition made us continues to improve
its services, so we can survive and even grow, and this experiences makes us understand
more about the meaning of the importance of a service.

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