Lowongan Kerja Technical Lead/Developer Lead Di Global Infotech Solution | Jobindo.Com

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Technical Lead/Developer Lead

Global Infotech Solution


Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Technical Lead/Developer Lead di Global Infotech Solution: Keterangan Lengkap


  • Understand Java, Quarkus, or Fullstack
  • Familiar with Kafka, Microservices architecture, Docker Containter and Testing framework Junit.
  • Familiar with Database Postgres / Oracle and Tigergraph
  • Knowledge and interest in computer systems and the latest technologies
  • An analytical mind and ability to learn new technologies quickly
  • Have good managerial skills
  • Familiar with Scrum and Agile development
  • Good communication skills – both written and verbal
  • Attention to detail and desire to probe further into data
  • BSc in Computer Science or relevant field
Deskripsi Pekerjaan

  • Able to analyze specifications and requests from the Product Team/user
  • Technically explain the tasks that the Backend Engineer, Frontend Engineer and Quality Assurance teams need to carry out to continue the project in accordance with the expectations of the product team.
  • Have team management skills to be able to divide work evenly and ensure the project can run well according to requests from the product team
  • Define project requirements and develop a work schedule for the team.
  • Delegate tasks and achieve daily, weekly, and monthly goals.
  • Liaise with team members, management and clients to ensure projects are completed to standards.
  • Identify risks and develop contingency plans as soon as possible.
  • Analyze existing plans, schedule training sessions and meetings to discuss improvements.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments.
  • Update work schedule and perform troubleshooting as needed.
  • Motivate the team and create a space where they can ask questions and voice their concerns.
  • Write project progress reports and deliver presentations to relevant stakeholders.
  • Perform all duties in accordance with all policies and procedures.
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
15/07/22 15:33
Pengalaman 2-5 Tahun
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Lowongan Kerja Global Infotech Solution

Deskripsi Perusahaan
Global Infotech is an IT solution start-up company and fulfilled with a lot of Rambo in their own field. We help our clients make lasting improvements to their performance and realise their most important goals thru best of class infrastructure and business solutions.

Alamat Perusahaan
Lowongan Kerja Lainnya

Lowongan kerja lainnya Di Global Infotech Solution:

Project Management
Product Owner
Development Security and Operation
Backend Developer
Engineer Network + DBA

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