Lowongan Kerja Senior Smallholders Specialist (Pelalawan, Riau) Di PT Moores Rowland Indonesia | Jobindo.Com

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Senior Smallholders Specialist (Pelalawan, Riau)

PT Moores Rowland Indonesia


Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Senior Smallholders Specialist (Pelalawan, Riau) di PT Moores Rowland Indonesia: Keterangan Lengkap

  • A Bachelor's degree in agricultural science, social economy, social anthropology, management, or sustainable development
  • A minimum of 6 years of professional experience working in agribusiness, rural community, sustainable commodities certification, plantation business permit, environment and farmers GAP improvement related activities.
  • A minimum of 3 years of professional experience working in sustainable palm oil certification processes.
  • A minimum of 2 years' experience working with other palm oil stakeholders (private sector and smallholders) related activities.
  • Have a strong knowledge on oil palm certification scheme and process, particularly for independent farmers, as well as implementation of GAP.
  • Ability to conceptualize and convey strategic vision from the spectrum of smallholder's development experience.
  • Knowledge on scientific based research on up-to-date information and analysis related to issues and trends in social sector development in order to strengthen farmers support program.
  • Have a good and vast professional network with local government, smallholders, private sector, NGOs.
  • Good in English and Bahasa Indonesia both verbally and written.
  • Good interpersonal and communications skills.
  • Strong leadership skill.
  • Good coordination ability and team working spirit.
  • Proficient with the usage of Microsoft Office applications, such as MS. Words, MS. Excel, MS and Power Point.
  • Good organizational skills, with strong experience in organizing and facilitating meetings and writing reports.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • Coordinate, provide, mentoring and facilitate daily activities of the Field Extension Service Assistants; including the division of work between each Field Extension Service Assistants.
  • Supervise all activities related to farmers capacity building, include to prepare and organise the training on the field, and develop report on post-training and evaluation result.
  • Carry out monitoring of GAP implementation to the trained farmers and demo-plot farmers.
  • Ensure Internal Control System (ICS) at farmer's institutions is running well and required arrangements are fullfilled. Activities include to develop a strategy plan to implement Internal Control System (ICS) at farmer's institutions in Pelalawan, prepare and organise bi-weekly and monthly meeting with farmer's institutions members to ensure the requirement of sustainable palm oil certification, and provide support and technical advise to the farmer's institutions' members in regards with sustainable palm oil certification standard.
  • Ensure farmer's institutions are ready for sustainable palm oil certification, including to conduct internal audit in accordance with sustainable palm oil certification Principles and Criteria at farmer's institutions, provide recommendation action and strategy to close the findings of internal audit, and develop the internal audit report.
  • Liaise with related government agencies and relevant stakeholders (NGO's, companies, local communities, etc.) in terms of coordination to implement Farmers Support System program.
Pelalawan, Riau
14/06/21 11:22
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Lowongan Kerja PT Moores Rowland Indonesia

Deskripsi Perusahaan
We are a consultant company, which offers a full range of professional services including audit, accounting and outsourcing, tax, advisory and legal services for a wide variety of clients across the spectrum of industry sectors.

Alamat Perusahaan
Jalan Sisingamangaraja No. 26, South Jakarta 12120, Indonesia
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