Lowongan Kerja Project Management Di Global Infotech Solution | Jobindo.Com

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Project Management

Global Infotech Solution


Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Project Management di Global Infotech Solution: Keterangan Lengkap


Project management qualification (PMP), Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), Scrum Master, or equivalent is a plus

Familiar with tools and technology such as Wrike, JIRA, Ms.Project,MS. Planner, other software project

Familiar with Scrum and Agile development methodology

An analytical mind and ability to learn new technologies quickly

The ability to communicate complex procedures to other colleagues

Good communication skills – both written and verbal

Attention to detail and desire to probe further into data

Have experience as a developer is an advantage

BSc in Computer Science or relevant field

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • Strategic support: Aligning project work with the corporate strategy by classifying, selecting, and prioritizing (and, if necessary, terminating) projects.
  • Managing a multi-project environment / Resource management: This is the PMO’s primary function, and it includes maintaining a good overview of all the projects and ensuring that all the necessary data is always up to date and plausible. In this context, decisions regarding the scope, budgets and resources are prepared and made in due consideration of interdependencies between projects.
  • Project implementation / Services: This involves providing operational support in projects by taking on the management of a project, executing defined subtasks or providing project assistants.
  • Training und Coaching: Project managers and participants in the processes are trained and supported in the field. Possibly, career paths for project managers are offered.
  • Methods, processes and tools: Choosing and adapting the PM methodologies and processes to best suit the needs of everyone involved at the company. Selection, implementation and management of appropriate tools for the different roles in project and portfolio management.


Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
21/07/22 10:57
Pengalaman 2-5 Tahun
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Lowongan Kerja Global Infotech Solution

Deskripsi Perusahaan
Global Infotech is an IT solution start-up company and fulfilled with a lot of Rambo in their own field. We help our clients make lasting improvements to their performance and realise their most important goals thru best of class infrastructure and business solutions.

Alamat Perusahaan
Lowongan Kerja Lainnya

Lowongan kerja lainnya Di Global Infotech Solution:

Product Owner
Technical Lead/Developer Lead
Development Security and Operation
Backend Developer
Engineer Network + DBA

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