Excellent knowledge of design and visualisations software such as AutoCAD
Advanced MS Office skills
Familiarity with rules, regulations, best practices and performance standards
Ability to work with multiple discipline projects
Project management and supervision skills
Time management and organization skills
Bachelor's degree in engineering or a related field.
2 or more years' field and project planning experience.
Excellent organizational, time management, leadership, and decision-making skills.
Strong written and verbal communication skills.
Knowledge of applicable codes, policies, standards, and best practices.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Preparing, scheduling, coordinating and monitoring the assigned engineering projects
Review engineering deliverables and initiate appropriate corrective actions
Formulating project parameters and assigning responsibilities to the most capable employees and monitoring the project team.
Interacting with clients, interpreting their needs and requirements, and representing them in the field.
Performing quality control tasks on budgets, schedules, plans, and personnel performance and reporting on the project's status.
Cooperating and communicating with the project manager and other project participants and collaborating with senior engineers to create more efficient project methods and to maintain the project's profitability.
Reviewing the engineering tasks and initiating the necessary corrective actions.
Developing specifications for the project's needed equipment.
Creating frameworks to measure the project's metrics and data collection.
Establishing field test methods and methods for monitoring the quality of those tests.
Ensuring the project's compliance with the applicable codes, practices, policies, performance standards, and specifications.
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Lowongan Ini Ditutup
Semua LAMARAN akan diperlakukan secara rahasia & hanya kandidat terpilih akan dihubungi dan diproses
Mohon diperhatikan bahwa Jobindo tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun kepada pencari kerja sebagai persyaratan untuk dapat diterima bekerja. Apabila terjadi perusahaan meminta anda untuk mengirimkan sejumlah uang untuk berbagai alasan. Mohon untuk dapat melakukan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu ke pihak Jobindo. Dan apabila terjadi pengiriman uang kepada pihak perusahaan dari pihak pencari kerja, maka dengan ini pihak Jobindo menyatakan bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal tersebut. Panduan dan Tips Mencari Kerja Online Secara Aman
PT IMECON TEKNINDO is an Indonesian company which is engaged in Human Resources services.
Established since 1999, was founded by practitioners and professionals in their fields, has
services such as recruitment services, contract labor management services (outsourcing),
psychological tests and Assessment and wage tax calculation & Contract services.
Experience for more than 2 decades in more high competition made us continues to improve
its services, so we can survive and even grow, and this experiences makes us understand
more about the meaning of the importance of a service.
Alamat Perusahaan
Head Office
Gandaria 8 Office Tower 2nd Floor. Jl Sultan Iskandar Muda- Kebayoran Lama Jakarta 12240