Bachelor degree in Information Technology-related field of study with a network engineering focus.
Strong understanding of network infrastructure and network hardware.
Engineers should have solid analytical and problem-solving skills. They should also have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
Ability to implement, administer, and troubleshoot network infrastructure devices, including wireless access points, firewall, routers, switches, controllers.
Knowledge of application transport and network infrastructure protocols.
Ability to create accurate network diagrams and documentation for design and planning network communication systems.
Provides specific detailed information for hardware and software selection.
Ability to quickly learn new or unfamiliar technology and products using documentation and internet resources.
Ability to work with all levels of staff within and outside of IT and outside the organization.
A self-starter able to work independently but comfortable working in a team environment.
Good analytical and problem-solving skills.
Dependable and flexible when necessary.
Should have had experience in network security, LAN, and WAN.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Maintaining and administering computer networks and related computing environments including systems software, applications software, hardware, and configurations.
Performing disaster recovery operations and data backups when required.
Protecting data, software, and hardware by coordinating, planning, and implementing network security measures.
Troubleshooting, diagnosing, and resolving hardware, software, and other network and system problems.
Replacing faulty network hardware components when required.
Maintaining, configuring, and monitoring virus protection software and email applications.
Monitoring network performance to determine if adjustments need to be made.
Conferring with network users about solving existing system problems.
Operating master consoles to monitor the performance of networks and computer systems.
Coordinating computer network access and use.
Designing, configuring, and testing networking software, computer hardware, and operating system software.
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