Bachelor in Finance/Accounting and have MBA/CPA will be an advantage
Age between 30 – 45 years old.
Experience in banking industry and consultant office as Auditor.
Have minimum 5 years experiences in the same position
Proficiency in English both in spoken and written.
Excellent written and oral communication skills, including proven ability to develop and maintain strong and trusting relationships with multiple stakeholders
Demonstrated ability to lead a term through change with a focus on maintaining a positive culture, promoting innovation and delivering continuous improvement
Demonstrated experience in both a commercial and finance background with a proven track record in business transformation, providing strategic commercial and financial guidance to senior management, the Board and shareholders/stakeholders
Demonstrated problem solving skill and initiative
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Supervise Daily Financial Operations And Manage Financial Control And Compliance
Manage And Control Cash Flow Operations And Funding Needs Including Providing Cash Flow Forecast For Review By Management On A Monthly Basis
Liaise With Bankers, Lawyers And Shareholders: Attend Meetings And Represent The Company
Make Sure The Company Meets Its Compliance Obligations Under Relevant Laws And The Requirements Of Regulatory Authorities
Manage The Administaration And Coordination Within And Outside The Company, In Order To Maintain Compliance With Regulations Especially Related To Capital Market Regulations And Responsible For Coordinating And Fulfill The Requirement Of Report For All Regulatory, Regular, Sustainable Report, And Other Reporting
Handling The General Meeting Shareholders, Public Expose Meeting (Including Supporting All Administrative Requirements During The Process)
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Lowongan Ini Ditutup
Semua LAMARAN akan diperlakukan secara rahasia & hanya kandidat terpilih akan dihubungi dan diproses
Mohon diperhatikan bahwa Jobindo tidak pernah memungut biaya apapun kepada pencari kerja sebagai persyaratan untuk dapat diterima bekerja. Apabila terjadi perusahaan meminta anda untuk mengirimkan sejumlah uang untuk berbagai alasan. Mohon untuk dapat melakukan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu ke pihak Jobindo. Dan apabila terjadi pengiriman uang kepada pihak perusahaan dari pihak pencari kerja, maka dengan ini pihak Jobindo menyatakan bahwa kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal tersebut. Panduan dan Tips Mencari Kerja Online Secara Aman
PT IMECON TEKNINDO is an Indonesian company which is engaged in Human Resources services.
Established since 1999, was founded by practitioners and professionals in their fields, has
services such as recruitment services, contract labor management services (outsourcing),
psychological tests and Assessment and wage tax calculation & Contract services.
Experience for more than 2 decades in more high competition made us continues to improve
its services, so we can survive and even grow, and this experiences makes us understand
more about the meaning of the importance of a service.
Alamat Perusahaan
Head Office
Gandaria 8 Office Tower 2nd Floor. Jl Sultan Iskandar Muda- Kebayoran Lama Jakarta 12240