Lowongan Kerja Lead Generation Specialist for South Korea Di LeadGeeks Inc. | Jobindo.Com

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Lead Generation Specialist for South Korea

LeadGeeks Inc.


Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Lead Generation Specialist for South Korea di LeadGeeks Inc.: Keterangan Lengkap

  • Marketing, Korean, and Molecular graduates are preferred.
  • Have a minimum of upper-intermediate Korean skills.
  • Have strong communication skills in English
  • Be comfortable in reading research articles or similar written materials in Korean or English
  • Comfortable with data collection for high-tech instruments with proficiency in Microsoft Excel.
  • Demonstrate the ability to meet and/or exceed determined goals.
  • Experience in marketing and/or inside sales for the high-tech industry will be beneficial.
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • In this role, you will help our US clients to find potential customers by working closely with them to generate and nurture leads. You will also run email campaigns and join the discussion with our clients to find the best way possible to unlock their opportunities. 
Jawa Tengah
26/11/21 10:15
Diploma 3
Pengalaman 0-2 Tahun
Full Time
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Jumlah Pelamar 4
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Deskripsi Perusahaan
LeadGeeks Inc. was built in 2019 to answer our clients' problem; limited time to talk and listen to their customers deeply. We understand that our clients' teams still spend a lot of their precious time sorting through potential customers and running email campaigns whereas a good relationship with customers requires time investment and full attention.

It is time to realize that good opportunities can go unnoticed when our clients' teams juggle between maintaining good relationship with customers and doing the endless sales and marketing technical jobs. Still, they also need to find new people to reach out to every single day. So how can we help them?

We complement our clients' teams as we do sales and marketing technical jobs for them. We provide customized workflow and a full-time team who works tirelessly to find the right customers. We focus on delivering real people and helping them reach out to those leads.

Our remote team in Indonesia are experienced in targeting biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, acoustic engineering and many other industries. By harnessing our capabilities in lead generation, lead nurturing, data appending, email marketing, marketing campaign management, new client prospecting, content writing and copywriting, we have been supporting more than 18 high-tech industry sales and marketing projects.

Alamat Perusahaan
Jl Salatiga Permai III no. 17 Salatiga
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