Lowongan Kerja GA Staff (Bandung) Di Pasarnow | Jobindo.Com

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GA Staff (Bandung)



Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja GA Staff (Bandung) di Pasarnow: Keterangan Lengkap

  • Maximum age 28 years old
  • At least a Bachelor Degree on Industrial Engineering, Human Resources Management, Psychology, Law or equivalent.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position / on general affair.
  • Computer literate such Microsoft Office, especially MS Excel
  • Has an initiative to complete the task better and faster
  • Has a willingness for self-improve & self-learning
  • Has a HSE License is an value-added
  • Highly energetic with initiative and confidence
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • Responsible for HR GA such as recruitment, attendance, personnel matters, 5R and looks after the health, safety and welfare of all employees.
  • Office building maintenance (include any regular check required for GA facility)
  • Supervise daily operation of OB
  • Perform GA asset checking in regular-basis (yearly)
  • Other GA Operational (handling online transportation, reimbursement settlement, handling business trip, etc)
  • Support business needs and ensure the proper implementation of company strategy and objectives
  • Contributing to the development of HR GA dept goals, objective and systems
  • Perform activities regards to vendors or subcontractors related with GA.
  • Prepare HRGA monthly and quarterly report, arrange meeting/gathering
  • Responsible for attendance and overtime (monthly and support payroll data)
  • Responsible for updating employee database every month. Doing input into the database for new employees
  • Provide induction for new employees
Bandung, Jawa Barat
03/06/21 13:50
Diploma 3
Pengalaman 0-2 Tahun
Full Time
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Jumlah Pelamar 84
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Lowongan Kerja Pasarnow

Deskripsi Perusahaan
Pasarnow is a multichannel online grocery platform. We bring Pasar to your fingertips. From farmers to your doorstep. A simple solution for you & me.

Beside us, Pasarnow has been supporting more than 10,000 SMEs by giving them an access to good quality products at a good price. No need to hassle, we’re just one click away.

Our social commerce model has also been proven to change some of our agent’s life by providing them with a channel to additional income. One lady, who’s a single parent told us that she can now afford a better livelihood for her & her kids. This story and all the other stories inspire us to continue improving our MITRANOW program & service.

Little by little, we want to help more farmers in Indonesia by creating a more sustainable demand and connecting them closer to the customers so that they can get better margin.

Alamat Perusahaan
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