Lowongan Kerja Customer Success Specialist Di PT. Anugerah Wijaya Raga | Jobindo.Com

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Customer Success Specialist

PT. Anugerah Wijaya Raga


Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Customer Success Specialist di PT. Anugerah Wijaya Raga: Keterangan Lengkap

  • Bachelor's degree and 1-3 years of experience in a customer-facing role, such as Customer Success, Customer Support or Account Management
  • Possess strong phone, written and verbal communication skills with excellent presentation skills
  • Confident, high energy, self-motivated and a true team player
  • Demonstrated ability and desire to work and excel in fast-paced environment
  • Excellent multitasking and project management skills
  • Understanding of Internet and web applications with a desire learn new technologies
  • Well-organized, with a high attention to detail and ability to prioritize
  • Proficiency with MS Office
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • Build relationships with assigned customers, help them with issues, and continually delight them with a positive, customer-centric attitude. Provide proactive strategy with their assigned customer accounts
  • Work with customers to ensure they are leveraging our program effectively and finding value in our services
  • Perform initial on-boarding of accounts with customers, ensuring strong adoption and ongoing engagement throughout the customer’s lifetime
  • Execute a comprehensive engagement and communications strategy that proactively maintains high customer satisfaction
  • Become an expert in our program and educate customers on the use and benefits of our products
  • Work closely with Sales, Support, Billing, and other Technical teams to ensure an exceptional customer experience and take care of any customer issues
  • Be a customer advocate while capturing customer feedback and reporting requests to Product Management and Development
  • Efficiently manage time to focus on essential activities to ensure customer satisfaction, account renewal, and account growth
  • Maintain a revenue base by managing account retention and renewal
  • Achieve / exceed target KPIs including but not limited to: renewal %, upsell %, monthly active usage, and NPS
  • Develop tools, processes and best practices to ensure customers are realizing the greatest possible value from our program
  • Use of patterns to gain insights, provide guidance and increase customer satisfaction
  • Serve as the primary interface to manage and resolve any critical situations
  • Work closely with the Sales and Professional Services teams to share customer insights that inform additional product and service sales opportunities
  • Provide expert customer insight to Product Management, Marketing and Sales on what innovation and continuous improvement is needed in the user experience, product capabilities and features, and customer engagement processes that ensure rapid adoption, usage velocity, high renewal and referral rates in our larger customers, many of which operate at massive scale
Surabaya, Jawa Timur
27/05/21 7:33
Pengalaman 2-5 Tahun
Full Time
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Jumlah Pelamar 14
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Lowongan Kerja PT. Anugerah Wijaya Raga

Deskripsi Perusahaan
Gak Gendut Lagi (GGL) berdiri pada 21 Oktober 2019 sebagai komunitas diet yang dipelopori oleh Coach Dien Limano dan Natasya Limano. Berbekal ambisi untuk membantu #1JutaNyawa, keduanya berkontribusi aktif membagikan konten edukasi seputar mindset, fitness, dan nutrition kepada siapapun yang ingin hidup sehat.

Pada 5 November 2020, GGL berkembang menjadi aplikasi penyedia layanan kesehatan dengan lebih dari 30.000 pendaftar di bulan pertama peluncurannya. Saat ini, pengguna aplikasi berasal dari 50+ negara dan terus bertumbuh di seluruh dunia.

Namun, perjalanan GGL tidak berhenti di situ. Kami berkomitmen untuk terus berinovasi menghadirkan beragam terobosan dan layanan terbaik bagi siapapun yang ingin hidup sehat dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Oleh sebab itu, kami selalu terbuka untuk menyambut siapapun yang ingin bergabung dan menjadi rekan seperjuangan untuk menciptakan perubahan bersama GGL.

Alamat Perusahaan
Lowongan Kerja Lainnya

Lowongan kerja lainnya Di PT. Anugerah Wijaya Raga:

Growth Manager
Community Manager
Customer Success Specialist
Senior Backend Engineer
Senior Frontend Engineer
Senior Software Developer
Mobile Developer
Senior UI Designer
Videographer and Editor
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
HR Assistant
HR & Organizational Development Specialist
Staff Administrasi dan Umum
HR & Organizational Development Specialist
Senior UI Designer
Community Manager
Customer Success Specialist
Senior Backend Engineer
Senior Frontend Engineer
Senior Software Developer
Mobile Developer
Videographer and Editor
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
HR Assistant
Staff Administrasi dan Umum
Senior UI Designer
HR Assistant
Community Manager
Senior Backend Engineer
Senior Frontend Engineer
Senior Full-Stack Developer
Mobile Developer
Videographer and Editor
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
Senior Backend Engineer
Community Manager
Customer Success Specialist
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
Ads Performance Specialist (PPC: Pay Per Click)
Senior Data Scientist
Senior Data Engineer
Senior Frontend Engineer
Senior UI Designer
Senior Full-Stack Developer
Mobile Developer
Bilingual Customer Service and Sales
Content Writer
Videographer and Editor
Videographer and Editor
Senior UI Designer
Senior Data Engineer
Senior Frontend Engineer
Ads Performance Specialist (PPC: Pay-per-click)
Senior Programmer
Mobile Developer
Bilingual Customer Service and Sales
Content Writer
Digital Marketing (PPC)
Senior Software Engineer
Customer Service and Sales
Mobile Developer
Senior Developer
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