Lowongan Kerja Continuous Improvement Specialist Di INTEGRAGROUP | Jobindo.Com

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Continuous Improvement Specialist



Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Continuous Improvement Specialist di INTEGRAGROUP: Keterangan Lengkap

  • Bachelor degree in any discipline, engineering discipline would be beneficial
  • A sharp eye for identifying weak points in manufacturing processes & strategic & analytical mindset
  • A thorough understanding of the latest process enhancement strategies.
  • Experience in a mechanical manufacturing environment, especially furniture will be an advantage
  • Demonstrable knowledge of implementing lean manufacturing/continuous improvement
  • Six sigma green belt qualification would be desirable
  • Sidoarjo placement
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • Install improvement projects and initiatives aimed at increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving quality
  • Conduct root cause analysis and data analysis to identify areas for improvement & Develop implement process improvements and process standardization across all departments.
  • Facilitate and lead cross-functional teams to identify and prioritize continuous improvement opportunities.
  • Collaborate with department managers to establish and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Train and coach employees on continuous improvement methodologies and best practices.
  • Collaborate with other departments to ensure that continuous improvement activities are integrated with the overall strategic goals of the organization.
  • Identify and recommend new tools, techniques, and methodologies for continuous improvement.
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
17/02/23 13:44
Pengalaman 2-5 Tahun
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Deskripsi Perusahaan
INTEGRAGROUP INDONESIA Is Furniture Manufacturing Group. Integragroup Leading Furniture Exporter. We Produce A Wide Variety Of Quality Innovative Products Of Living Room, Dining Room, Bedroom, Casegood, Rattan/Wicker Furniture, Door And Building Component. Our Production Area Covers More Than 250.000 Sqm.

Alamat Perusahaan
Betro 678 Sedati Sidoarjo
Lowongan Kerja Lainnya

Lowongan kerja lainnya Di INTEGRAGROUP:

IT Programmer Supervisor
Inventory Control Staff
Inventory Control Supervisor
Accounting Staff
Accounting Staff
Accounting Supervisor
Compliance Head
R&D Staff (Furniture/ Wood/ Meubel)
Marketing Export Staff
Administrasi PPIC
Helper Electrical
Compliance & ISO Manager
Marketing Export Officer
Admin Marketing
CNC Staff
PPIC Staff (Furniture/ Meubel/ Wood)
Accounting Staff
R&D Staff (Furniture/ Wood/ Meubel)
GA Supervisor
HR Supervisor
Administrasi Store (Jakarta Timur)
Accounting Staff
Finance Accounting Staff (Jakarta Pusat)
Store Manager (Denpasar, Bali)
Marketing Export Staff
Export Staff
PPIC Koordinator
Finishing Asst. Manager Furniture
Sample Maker Furniture
Kepala Bagian Gudang
Accounting Staff
Marketing Staff
Accounting Staff
ISO Staff
Exim Staff
Accounting Spv & Staff
Produksi Leader
Finishing Asst. Manager & Coordinator
PPIC Asst. Manager
QA Asst. Manager
QC Asst. Manager
Accounting Supervisor
Staff Accounting
Branch Manager
Staff Exim
Lab & Testing Head
Sampel & Testing Head
Staff Akuntansi
QC Staff
Project Staff
Interior Designer
Export & Import Staff
Accounting Staff
HRD Staff
Marketing Staff
Document Control SPV
It & Development System Staff
Maintenance Leader
Export Staff
Staff Translator
Staf Exim (Export-Import)
Marketing Project Manager
Project Manager
PPIC Manager
Audit Supervisor
Processing Coordinator
Eksport & Import Staff
System Develop Spv
Site Engineer
Logistik Staff
Procurement Staff
Doc. Control Spv ( ISO )
Hr Development
Marcom ( Event & Promotion )
Graphic Designer
HRGA Staff
Audit Manager
Visual Merchandising
Maintenance Foreman
Digital Promotion Staff
Accounting Staff
Production General Manager
Accounting Supervisor
Staff Accounting
Supporting Produksi Staff
Japan Translator Staff
Legal Supervisor
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