Lowongan Kerja Call Center telemarketers (Remote Work from Home) Di Sojilabs | Jobindo.Com

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Call Center telemarketers (Remote Work from Home)



Keterangan Lengkap Lowongan Kerja Call Center telemarketers (Remote Work from Home) di Sojilabs: Keterangan Lengkap

  • PC proficiency-confident user;
  • Experience with CRM systems will be your advantage;
  • Competent and confident speech in Bahasa Indonesia, knowledge of English will be your advantage
  • Salary is't fixed and is counting from sold orders and can be from 3 000 000 to 9 000 000 IDR (depends only from your sales abilities- average salary is 5 000 000 IDR, best telemarketers earn 10 000 000 IDR per month);
  • Free training provided;
  • Schedule: 6 days a week, from 7:00 to 14:00 or from 14:00 to 21:00 (Sunday is day off);
  • Fast career growth to the call center supervisor is possible;
  • Work on remote (from home), for that you just need to have (Notebook or PC stabile internet connection, from 5 Mbit/sec, headsets, quiet place to work)
  • Free training provided
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
  • Making outgoing calls from home to the clients of selling our products (without searching for clients and personal meetings)
  • Fulfillment of sales plans;
  • Making orders in the database;
  • Communication with the client on a specific script.


Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
02/01/21 7:02
Pengalaman 0-2 Tahun
Full Time
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Jumlah Pelamar 77
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Lowongan Kerja Sojilabs

Deskripsi Perusahaan
Sojilabs is a brand from Japan, founded in Vietnam in early 2019 by a team of dedicated, caring leaders, along with a young, dynamic, creative, enthusiastic, trained staff. create a method.

By adopting a customer-centric approach, Sojilabs would like to bring you the safest and most convenient, all-natural and effective beauty and health care products so that you can fully enjoy life every day. We always try our best to improve the quality of products and services every day, bringing our customers the best products and services at the most ideal prices. nhất.

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